Hot Runner Mold

Hot Runner Mold The hot runner mold, also known as the hot runner system, is mainly composed of a hot sprue bush, a hot runner plate, and a temperature-controlled electric box. Our common hot runner systems are available in single-point hot gates and multi-point hot gates. The single-point hot gate uses a single hot sprue…

Development Status Of 3D Printing Materials

Development Status Of 3D Printing Materials 3D printing technology, also known as “rapid forming technology” or “additive manufacturing technology”, is based on digital model files, using powdered metal or plastic bonding materials to build objects by layer-by-layer stacking technology. At present, there are two main factors that restrict the development of 3D printing technology: printing…

Mold Modular Design Method

Mold Modular Design Method Shortening the design cycle and improving design quality is one of the keys to shortening the entire mold development cycle. The modular design is to use the similarity in structure and function of the product components to achieve standardization and combination of products. A large number of practices have shown that…