How To Solve The Problems In Yhe Mold Polishing Process

How To Solve The Problems In Yhe Mold Polishing Process 1.Over-polishing The biggest problem encountered in the daily polishing process is “over-polishing”, which means that the longer the polishing time, the worse the quality of the mold surface. There are two phenomena of over-polishing: “orange peel” and “pitting”. Excessive polishing occurs mostly in mechanical polishing.…

Die Steel Quenching Cooling Technique

Die Steel Quenching Cooling Technique There are four aspects to be aware of when mold steel is quenched and cooled. They are cooling medium problems, cooling equipment problems, clear mold surface covering problems, and manual operation technical problems. 1. Die steel spray quenching method Large-scale complex, especially thick and thin workpieces and die steels, in…