Introduction To RP Technology

Introduction To RP Technology Rapid prototyping technology (also known as RP, technology), born in the late 1980s, is a high-tech manufacturing technology based on material accumulation. Rapid prototyping combines advanced technologies such as computer-aided design (CAD), auxiliary manufacturing (CAM), computer-aided control (CNC), precision servo drives, and new materials. According to the three-dimensional design model of…

Basic Principles Of Rapid Prototyping

Basic Principles Of Rapid Prototyping Different from traditional mechanical cutting, such as turning and milling, the material reduction method is. “Rapid molding manufacturing technology” is a method of “material superposition” by adding materials by layer-by-layer fusion to generate parts. The rapid prototyping technology adopts the principle of discrete/stacking molding. According to the three-dimensional CAD model,…

Application Of Rapid Prototyping Technology In Casting

Application Of Rapid Prototyping Technology In Casting Rapid prototyping manufacturing technology is currently the focus of attention in the international molding process. Casting as a traditional process, with low manufacturing cost and high process flexibility, can obtain complex shapes and large castings. Fully exerting the characteristics and advantages of both, we can achieve objective economic…

Trends In Rapid Prototyping Technology

Trends In Rapid Prototyping Technology Rapid prototyping technology is one of the fastest growing advanced manufacturing technologies in the world today. In today’s era of the Internet age, rapid prototyping technology has been combined with other technologies to form a complete and huge technical body. The system is characterized by systematization, diversified needs, diversified and…

Material Addition Manufacturing Method

Material Addition Manufacturing Method The material addition manufacturing method, also known as Rapid Prototyping Manufacturing (RPM), is a high-tech achievement. It includes molding methods such as SLS, SLA, SLM, and integrates modern scientific and technological achievements such as CAD technology, numerical control technology, laser technology and material technology, and is an important component of improving…

Integrated Reverse Engineering System

Integrated Reverse Engineering System The integrated reverse engineering system framework can be divided into three parts (or three sub-systems): digital and data processing systems, model reconstruction subsystems, and product manufacturing subsystems. First, the task of digitization and data processing is to measure planning, measurement, and data processing transformations. When making measurement plans, the main consideration…