What Is A Hot Runner?

What Is A Hot Runner?  hot runner is a heated nozzle and manifold assembly installed on plastic injection molds.This assembly allows the plastic charge material left in the feed mechanism to remain fluid after injection while the part itself cools and solidifies. Injection molds equipped with hot runners are more economical, with feature of shorter…

What Is Industrial Design?

What Is Industrial Design? Industrial design is a process of design applied to products that are to be manufactured through techniques of mass production.It is a creative field that involves the development of concepts for the production of a wide variety of items, ranging from common objects like toys to more complex industrial equipment. The…

Plastic Injection Molding

Plastic Injection Molding Plastic injection molding is a popular and economical industrial process for manufacturing a wide range of plastic consumer products. These include valves, pulleys, gears, power tools, bottle caps, toys, automotive parts and components, computer components, keyboards, furniture and so on. These items are mass-produced using molding machines of various sizes and various…

What Is A Prototype?

What Is A Prototype? A prototype is a model of a product which is used for testing before a manufacturing run is ordered. Many companies run through several prototypes when developing a new product, as they learn more about the manufacturing process, how people will use it, and how it can be broken. Rapid prototyping…

O-Ring Scope

O-Ring Scope O-SEAL ring is suitable for all kinds of mechanical equipment, in the specified temperature, pressure, as well as different liquid and gas media, in the static or moving state of sealing, in machine tools, ships, automobiles, aerospace equipment, metallurgy machinery, chemical machinery, engineering machinery, construction machinery, mining machinery, petroleum machinery, plastic machinery, Agricultural…