Multi-Component Injection Molding

Multi-component injection molding offers new possibilities for plastics processing, combining different materials or colors in a single molding. Production can be done in one process without the need for additional assembly or post-machine processing steps. Multi-component injection molding is a fully automated process with a high degree of flexibility, making it ideal for high volume production.

The final molded part can have a variety of functions and features. Using this process, colored parts with high pressure resistance, heat resistance or chemical resistance can be produced. Parts that can be manufactured with ARBURG ALLROUNDER are technically soft and hard material combinations, sandwiches and composite components that can be used to create reproducible color parts using alternating injection molding processes.

The multi-component injection molding concept covers multiple independent processes. Common to these processes is the simultaneous injection of a corresponding number of different materials into the mold using two or more injection molding devices to produce the final product through a series of steps. The final part can be used directly without subsequent processing.

According to the number of gates, it can be divided into two groups:

(1) Systems using single gates, including sandwich and alternating injection molding processes.

(2) Multi-gate system, which can be divided according to the core pulling and transfer process. The transfer process involves the transfer of the robot system between two standard machines, which is transferred by the rotation of the robot system and the mold in a particular multi-component machine. The mold rotation includes rotation of the movable mold half by the rotating device, rotation of the mold inner member, and rotation about the vertical axis (GRAMTM process).

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