Analysis Of The Causes Of The Shock Pattern Of Injection Molded Products

In the manufacture of rigid plastic parts, the surface near the gate forms a dense corrugation centered on the gate, sometimes referred to as a shock pattern. The reason is that when the melt viscosity is too large and the mold is filled in a stagnant form, the front end material will quickly condense and shrink when it contacts the surface of the cavity, and the later melt expands the contracted cold material to continue the process. Constant alternating causes the stream to form a surface grain in the forward direction.

The solution

(1) Increase the barrel temperature, especially the nozzle temperature, and increase the mold temperature.

(2) Increase the injection pressure and speed to quickly fill the model cavity.

(3) Improve the size of the runners and gates to prevent excessive resistance.

(4) The mold exhaust should be good, and a large enough cold well should be set.

(5) Do not design the parts too thin.

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