What Are The Cast Film Die Replacements Currently Available From Nordson?
1.Contour® die
The special configuration of this die can compensate for the difference in the width of the entire die due to the deformation of the die; the elongated drop-shaped manifold cross-section can improve the uniformity of the layer in the co-extrusion; between the preformed section and the manifold The nonlinear interface can greatly reduce or even eliminate the “M” or “W” flow mode. Compared to standard cast film dies, Contour dies reduce thickness deviation across the width of the die, significantly improving lateral product uniformity. In addition, it reduces the time required to reach a qualified product and purge the die between runs. It also avoids gelation and degradation. For applications that use heat sensitive materials such as barrier resins or to change rates frequently, Nordson recommends the Contour die.
Contour’s versatility is evident in comparison to standard dies: the time it takes from production start-up to the production of a marketable product (10 to 15 minutes, compared to 30 to 60 for standard dies) Minutes); shorter product conversion time (10 to 15 minutes, while standard die requires 90 minutes or more); shorter purge time (20 to 25 minutes, compared to 40 minutes for standard die) .
2.UniflowTM die
This die provides an economical option for high speed production of thermally stable resins with very little change rate, such as stretch film. Its versatile flow path accommodates a wide range of resins and processing parameters. It has an elongated drop-shaped manifold cross section that promotes the formation of a uniform layer structure during coextrusion. The superior mechanical stability of the Uniflow die reduces the transition time between runs of the product.
3. Multi-manifold die
As an alternative to co-extruded feedblocks and single-cavity dies, Nordson also offers multi-manifold dies that are specifically designed to accommodate different viscosities and different partial cladding requirements to accommodate different viscosities. And materials required for different partial coatings. These dies are capable of producing a surface layer that does not exceed 10% of the overall structural thickness and produces a coextruded structure with a temperature difference of up to 50°F (28°C). Recently, Nordson pioneered the construction of the first nine manifold die.
All of these dies are available as part of a complete system including the AutoflexTM Automatic Thickness Plate Control System, UltraflowTM Co-Extrusion Feed Block, Dual Chamber Vacuum Chamber, and UltraSplitTM Online Die Isolation Equipment.
Nordson recently introduced a number of next-generation technologies for these system components. In the Autoflex VI-RE thickness plate control system, the lip adjustment system’s stroke is increased by 43% without increasing response time, allowing it to correct for a wider range of process variations without the need for manual intervention. The new Ultraflow V-T feed block allows it to fine-tune individual layers and accommodate layer ratio changes and adjust the system without removing the feed block from the production line.