RPC Bramlage Introduces The First Lipstick Tube Made Of Polypropylene
Packaging company RPC Bramlage recently released its latest lipstick tube design, which is not only environmentally friendly but also more user friendly.
This lipstick tube is made of polypropylene material, which has less carbon footprint and easier recycling than the lipstick tube made of common POM POM material.
According to RPC Bramlage, this product has received a B rating from the recyclability assessment tool RecyClass, which is higher than the E or F rating of most traditional lipstick tubes.
In terms of structural design, the structure of this lipstick tube consists of three sets – it is convenient for users to use lipstick quickly and easily, reducing the risk of lipstick breakage.
The internal rotary bar can be applied to different brands of lipstick paste, and the lipstick tube casing can also be customized according to the brand’s needs, such as color, label, label, paint, metallic effect, casing and various printing surface treatments and so on.