Multi-Joint Robot

In recent years, the price reduction of multi-articulated robots has led to the development of more articulated robots in injection molding applications, such as quality control, assembly, deburring, laser cutting, labeling, packaging, palletizing, and printing. application.

The operator of Guangdong Bronte Intelligent Equipment Co., Ltd. put forward a controversial point of view, he believes that the Chinese robot industry’s way out is the “cost” word. In order to promote the application of “Road to Jane” in various industries, Bronte launched a six-axis robot bare metal price of RMB 28,500 (RMB) per unit at the end of last year, which is at a level with the price of the robot, which can be said to be subversive in the industry. The person in charge of the company stated that the purpose of this marketing strategy is to enable the thousands of SMEs in the injection molding industry in China to afford affordable robots and explode the demand for tens of millions of units each year to achieve breakthroughs in their companies by 2025. The goal of 100 billion yuan…….

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