Bad Phenomenon Of Stamping Parts

Stamping parts of the bad phenomenon common mainly in the following areas:
1, the surface of steel plate or internal foreign body mixed with foreign body peeling, the volume is a scar-like state;
2, scratches (roller surface or different substances caused), corner (20~30mm) due to uneven stress and deformation or pressure wrinkles, the edge of the material breakage;
3, roller sliding caused by the foreign body into the back of the roll to press out the bulge (Foreign bodies fall away);
4, the edge of irregular damage, outside the rules of poor material;
5, the roller traces (foreign body attached to the roller caused), foreign body caused by the surface depth of the obvious groove marks.
After actual use, it is known that scratches (roller surface or abnormal material), foreign body into the back of the roll after the bulge (foreign body drop is gone) and the roller traces (foreign body attached to the roller caused) is the use of the most favorite problems, the solution is very simple, the disappearance of foreign bodies is a direct method.

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